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About Us


Kindergartens and Early Years Classrooms

Remote rural primary schools are often no more than shacks offering rote learning with under qualified teachers, poor attendance and very low literacy levels.  In all our Kindergartens and Early Year Classrooms EYE Nepal ensures a bright and welcoming environment with soft carpeted flooring, brightly painted walls and ceilings. We use specially designed furniture, bookcases and storage shelving with break out areas.  We also provide a range of educational materials including dual language books, artwork, creative games, stationary and sports equipment.


Educational Programmes


We provide learning programme packages in Nepali, along with teacher training, mentoring, ongoing assessments and community support for early years classrooms at nursery, grades 1, 2 & 3.


We have designed our early years education programmes with the objective of the children attaining the Nepali governments' minimum target level in all subjects by the time they complete Grade 3.


We recognise that early childhood is not a time for rote learning but for practical activities and play. If children are forced to study beyond their interest areas and readiness stages, they will not enjoy school. They may develop negative feelings towards books and formal education. Learning should be fun!


Programme Implementation


In summary, the programme plan includes the following key steps:​

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Liaison with Regional Education Authorities to identify schools most in need.


Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with each LEA agreeing on back-to-back funding.


Agree on design specifications for the allocated classrooms in each of the regions.


Conversion of existing classrooms to fully fitted, furnished and redecorated Early Years Classrooms.


Distribution of EYE Nepal learning materials and furniture to the schools.


Induction training of teachers and assistants on EYE Nepal methodology & programmes in our bespoke Teachers Training Centre.


Scheduled community events to raise awareness of the importance of early years education and the engagement of the parents.

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Phased roll-out of the EYE Nepal Educational Programmes across the schools with weekly ongoing support from the local EYE Nepal field team.


Regular routine reading assessments and KPI measurement of attainment levels against government targets.


Monthly operating reviews and progress reports with the school representatives.


Quarterly community and parent review meetings.


Six-monthly reviews with the Municipality Head of Education.


Year 2, levy local authorities annual EYE Nepal support fees (per school) to ensure long-term sustainability of the programme.

The key to achieving our objectives is to ensure process and measurement in everything that we do. This ensures that every school knows precisely what is expected of them and what they can expect from EYE Nepal in order to achieve our shared goals. By working closely with the Local Education Offices, who provide matched funding for our projects, we can ensure that our programmes are designed to meet their objectives and that the progress of the students is in time with the national curriculum.

Where We Operate


Teacher Training
& Support

We understand that the teacher's professional development and management is key to success in this area. We provide bespoke training for early grade teachers in every Eye Nepal school and thereafter, our field team carries out on-going mentoring, assessment and support to increase the impact of our culturally appropriate and child-friendly teaching techniques.


Training takes place in our bespoke Teacher Training Centre in the Sanku District.


Long-term Impact

Improved daily attendance


A permanent move away from rote to creative learning


Literacy standards improved in all schools


Our monitoring & measurement system provides continuity & sustainability


Tangible personal development of the children 


Community involvement – parents become actively involved in the educational development of their children


More girls staying in education for longer

Gender Equality

In Nepal patriarchal systems are the primary cause of gender inequality. A 2017 World Bank/ICRW study estimated that ending child marriage in Nepal could see a 12.7% rise in earnings and productivity for Nepali women. Our aim is to provide education opportunities for boys and girls alike.


We believe education can be a powerful force for good, empowering both current and future generations. To create lasting sustainable change, you must start at the very beginning and change the student/teacher experience.



We work in partnership to drive reforms in the school environment and EYE Nepal seeks to gain matched funding for our projects from regional local authorities. This enables us to ensure that the initial cost of the project is shared between EYE Nepal and the local community. However, the key to long-term sustainability is establishing the programme on a district-wide basis. This not only creates significant economies of scale in terms of programme overheads (logistics, suppliers, training costs etc) but also means that we are then access funding from the central education budgets at a municipality level by way of ongoing project management fees, leaving us far less exposed to the limited budgets and/or vagaries of individual schools or communities. Success at a district-wide level revolves around several critical factors:

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Demonstrable and measurable success in terms of achieving the project outcomes at all schools



Quality, frequency, stability and consistency of project support



Maintaining excellent relationships with the schools and district municipality departments



Evidence of regular engagement with the local communities (villages) and parents



Quality of risk/disaster management



Having established a strong, experienced team in Nepal, EYE Nepal offers a highly cost effective operating model that is easily scalable once the initial match-funding of classroom conversion, recruitment, programme materials and teacher training is agreed with local authorities. 

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